How do I add content to my homepage?
A number of popular sources can be added by simply clicking on the Add link located to the left of the source's name.
You can also add content from just about any website that offers an RSS or Atom feed. A feed is a format used to syndicate news and the content of news-like websites. You'll often find the URL for a feed:
To add headlines from these websites to your homepage, simply copy and paste the feed's URL into the Custom Content Feeds form and click Add.
I cannot add or remove content.
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I cannot save my preferences.
This website requires the user to accept cookies. To enable your browser to accept cookies, follow these instructions. If you have Browser Cache set to Enabled in the preferences, you may need to reload or refresh your browser to view your changes.
More than one person uses my computer. Can we each have our own customized homepage?
In order to make the user experience as satisfying as possible, we do not require users to login with a username and password in order to customize their homepage. As a result, each web browser can only save one set of custom settings. If more than one person uses your computer, we suggest you work together to create a customized homepage that you can all enjoy.
Sometimes my homepage takes a long time to load.
More often then not, this is due to a delay in retrieving either your local weather data or one of your custom content feeds. If speed is vital to you, we suggest you remove the local weather forecast module and simply use the link at the top of the right column to view your weather forecast.
Is this site called myCatholic or
The official name is We always put the "dot com" on the end because "Catholic" is used as an adjective in this case to describe the "dot com" or website. Thus, "my Catholic dot com" emphasizes the ability to personalize a Catholic website.
How can I help others add my content to their homepage?
If your website or blog has an RSS or Atom feed, you can help others add your content to their customized homepage at by putting a subscription button on your site.
How do I make this my homepage?
To make your homepage, follow these instructions.
This website is great! How can I support you?
1. Pray daily for our staff and for all who use this site.
2. Tell your friends and family about
3. Make a donation. Every dollar helps.