In today's Gospel, Jesus heals in the evening, in the midst of the darkness (Mk 1:32-34). Jesus entered the darkness to drive the demons out of the darkness. "A people living in darkness has seen a great light. On those who inhabit a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen" (Mt 4:16).
In today's first reading, Jesus enters the darkness of our fallen human state (Heb 2:14ff). He became one of us. The Almighty God, Whom the universe could not contain (1 Kgs 8:27), became "like His brothers in every way, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest before God on their behalf, to expiate the sins of the people. Since He was Himself tested through what He suffered, He is able to help those who are tempted" (Heb 2:17-18).
Jesus took on our human condition. He bears our afflictions and infirmities (Mt 8:17; Is 53:4). He takes the initiative to come to us not in our strength and beauty, but in our weakness and darkness. Have you ever felt unworthy of God's love? You are not unworthy to Jesus. He came to seek and save the lost (Lk 19:10). He is the Lamb of God, gentle, innocent, and pure, yet He comes to take away the sins of the world, including yours (Jn 1:29).
Jesus stands and knocks at the door of your darkness (Rv 3:20). "Open wide your hearts!" (2 Cor 6:13) Let the Lord enter.
PRAYER: | Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, nothing can separate me from Your love, not even the darkness (Rm 8:35-39). Come into my heart right now. |
PROMISE: | "Jesus likewise had a full share in [our humanity], that by His death He might rob the devil, the prince of death, of his power." –Heb 2:14 |
PRAISE: | After two leaders of a prayer group reconciled with each other, God blessed them with a new fruitfulness by sending new members. |
Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:
· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College