Throughout much of the world, the highlight of the Christmas season is the feast of the Epiphany. The purpose of each person's life is to follow the star, find Jesus, give Him the gift of our life, worship Him, and manifest the light of Christ to the ends of the earth (see Mt 2:10ff). Then the prophecy will be fulfilled: "A people living in darkness has seen a great light. On those who inhabit a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen" (Mt 4:16).
Therefore, let us follow:
In effect, let us follow the star of obedience. Only by strict and careful obedience will we find Jesus. Those who obey Him will find Him and remain in Him, and He will remain in them (1 Jn 3:24).
In these last six days of Christmas, may we be wise enough to give ourselves totally to Christ, let Him break new ground in our lives, and take us where we've never been before. Let us plunge ever more deeply into the infinite love of the triune God. Let us be consumed by the fire of His love (see Heb 12:29).
PRAYER: | Father, give me Your kind of Christmas. |
PROMISE: | "This is how we know that He remains in us: from the Spirit that He gave us." –1 Jn 3:24 |
PRAISE: | St. Andr� Bessette was a humble gatekeeper whose prayers for the sick brought about many cures. |
Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:
· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College