Daniel and Jesus shared several striking things in common. They both were arrested, convicted, and given the death sentence. King Darius unsuccessfully worked to free Daniel (Dn 6:15), while Pontius Pilate was equally unsuccessful in freeing Jesus. Daniel was thrown into a den of lions, and the stone blocking the opening of the den was sealed (Dn 6:18). The stone blocking Jesus' tomb was also sealed (Mt 27:66). After having Daniel thrown into the den, King Darius even "rose very early the next morning and hastened to the lions' den" (Dn 6:20). This reminds us of Mary Magdalene and the other women hastening to the tomb very early on the morning of Jesus' Resurrection.
At this point, the similarities end. Daniel was saved from death, and his enemies were destroyed. Jesus was killed by His enemies, but later rose from the dead and even converted some of them. Daniel is a foreshadowing of Jesus, but Jesus is the Light. Daniel shows us how to face death, but Jesus promises to raise us from the dead. Daniel conquered his enemies; Jesus saves His.
We have a greater than Daniel, Jonah, Solomon, or anyone else (see Lk 11:31-32). We have Jesus, the God-Man, Lord of lords, King of kings, God Himself. On this Thanksgiving Day and forever, thank and adore Jesus.
PRAYER: | Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All! I give my life to You. I will live for You and not for myself. |
PROMISE: | "When these things begin to happen, stand erect and hold your heads high, for your deliverance is near at hand." –Lk 21:28 |
PRAISE: | Jesus sowed the seeds of the Church in Vietnam through the death of these 117 martyrs. St. Andrew Dung-Lac, pray for the people of Vietnam today. |
Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:
· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College