
One Bread, One Body - Reflection for October 4, 2011


"Mary has chosen the better portion and she shall not be deprived of it." –Luke 10:42

In yesterday's Scripture reading, Jesus told us to be good neighbors like the Samaritan who gave hands-on service to the beaten man whom he found on the road (Lk 10:33-36). In today's reading, we meet another good neighbor, Martha. However, Jesus criticizes Martha instead of putting her forth as a model of a good neighbor as He did with the Samaritan. Yet that doesn't mean Martha wasn't good while the Good Samaritan was. In fact, when Jesus said that Mary had chosen the better part, this implies that Martha's part was good. We don't usually say something is better than bad, but better than good. Thus Martha was a good Samaritan too, but Jesus was calling her to become a better Samaritan.

It's good to be a neighbor, but better to be a brother or sister. It's good to serve the poor, but better to sit at the feet of the poor Man from Nazareth, Jesus. It's good to talk to Jesus, but better to listen to Him. Don't be robbed of the better by settling for the good. If you choose the better portion, you will not be deprived of it (Lk 10:42).

PRAYER: Father, may things in my life not have to be bad for me to change. Help me to change when they're good.
PROMISE: "The people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth." –Jon 3:5
PRAISE: St. Francis listened to Jesus and accordingly made a decision to become the poorest of the poor.

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Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:

· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College