For years, I taught the Bible to my children in fifteen-minute morning sessions before leaving for work. Looking at their little faces, I often recalled Jesus' quote about sheep without a shepherd. Jesus' response to shepherdless sheep is to teach them at great length, and so I imitated Him. Another editor of this booklet attended Presentation Ministries' 12-week course on How to Teach the Bible. When asked his reasons for taking the course, he replied that he wanted to teach his children the Scriptures. As Jesus did, this father also responded by teaching the Scriptures.
The world is filled with sheep without a shepherd. People respond in many ways. Some responses are unthinking and uncharitable: apathy, escapism, criticism, condemnation, exploitation, etc. However, as disciples of Jesus, we imitate His response, which was to immediately teach the shepherdless sheep at great length (Mk 6:34). He followed that by feeding them physically (Mk 6:41-42).
Look around you. Where are the sheep Jesus has put in your life? Are they sitting at your dinner table, sharing your bedroom, in neighboring cubicles, houses, or pews? You can respond to them unthinkingly and uncharitably, or you can respond as Jesus did by teaching them at length. The sheep are waiting for your response. "God's flock is in your midst; give it a shepherd's care" (1 Pt 5:2). Jesus says: "Do you love Me?" Teach and "feed My sheep" (Jn 21:17).
PRAYER: | Jesus, Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11), give me Your shepherd's heart for the sheep in my life. |
PROMISE: | "He sent His only Son to the world that we might have life through Him." –1 Jn 4:9 |
PRAISE: | Catherine helps share the Good News by supporting Catholic radio with contributions and prayers. |
Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:
· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College