
One Bread, One Body - Reflection for January 28, 2006


"Since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die." –2 Samuel 12:14

We need Nathans and John the Baptizers to prophesy to a society wallowing in sexual sin. We don't hear much talk about the sins of adultery and fornication but only about the "new sins" of getting sexually transmitted diseases or getting pregnant. We used to hear about grace to overcome sexual temptations. Now we hear about condoms so as to be overcome by temptations. Who will stand not only for purity, but sanity?

Who will speak of repentance and commitment to Jesus? We need Savior-education rather than safe sex-education. Who will love the adulterous Davids, Herods, and Herodiases of today enough to tell them the truth? Nathan's prophecy was accepted, and David repented. John's stand for purity was rejected, and he was beheaded.

Whether our prophetic witness for purity is accepted or rejected, we must love people enough to warn them of their self-destructive sexual sin. The only "safe sex" is sex between a man and a woman in marriage. All other sexual relations cause extensive spiritual and psychological damage. In sexual relations, the members of the one become the members of the other (1 Cor 6:15-16). In marriage, this sexual bonding is good. Outside marriage, it is a bondage which damages the very core of a person's being. As bad as the damage caused by sexually transmitted diseases is, that damage is not as bad as the spiritual damage caused by fornication and adultery (see 1 Cor 6:18). We must repent, be pure, and prophesy for purity.

PRAYER: Father, make me pure and prophetic.
PROMISE: "Who can this be that the wind and the sea obey Him?" –Mk 4:41
PRAISE: St. Thomas used his brilliant mind for the service of his King.

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Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:

· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College